Part 1: Poster Set on Sexual Harassment
Goal: To create a thought-provoking and easily understandable message on the topic of sexual harassment and encourage viewers to think about their own respectfulness and awareness on this topic. To encourage discussion about societal attitudes towards sexual harassment and the tendency to engage in victim blaming behaviors and dialogues. 
Final Poster Set
Above is my final pair of posters I created for a prompt asking me to express an idea on a topic with a theme of activism or social justice through a poster design. I chose the topic of feminism, particularly sexual harassment and how victims of sexual harassment are often asked “what were you wearing?” or are said to have been “asking for it." I wanted to encourage dialogue about societal reactions to sexual harassment and the issue of victim-blaming. 
Process Work
The above images show my ideation and process of figuring out my composition and what aspect of feminism I wanted to hone in on. The first two images are closer to my final product while the last few images are some completely separate ideas that I tested out during the sketching process.
Final Mockup

Part 2: Poster Set on Dementia Care
Goal: To create a stark poster design that captures the severity of Dementia and Alzheimer's, evoke sympathy within viewers, and encourage people to consider their ability to support those who suffer from either of these conditions. 
Final Poster Set
Because I am passionate about so many areas of equity and activism, I decided to create an additional set of posters for this assignment. This set is about dementia care and how many older adults who suffer from dementia are in need of extra care and yet receive very little care. I have experience working alongside dementia patients at an assisted living facility and am certified in dementia training, so I have experienced the ways in which many older adults who suffer from dementia require more care and nurturing of their minds and souls than is often provided to them.
Process Work
I sketched out a few different composition ideas for this project, as I initially planned to create an illustration that focuses on an elderly woman's portrait. However, I wanted to branch out for the second part of this project and ended up going with an idea that is very different from what I usually do. I created a simple yet powerful graphic using imagery of a scarf (complete vs unravelled) to demonstrate how dementia affects the brain and also how nurturing loved ones can help make them feel more secure despite the confusion they may be feeling. I experimented with Adobe Photoshop to create this bold graphic and reduced the tint to create black and white imagery that completely contrasts my typical colorful illustrations.
Final Mockup
Above is a mockup of my two poster designs side by side in an office setting. I envision this poster set being displayed in a memory care office setting and could also serve as an advertisement for the Alzheimer's Association or a memory care facility. 
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